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Re: SG-Ortillary

From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2002 18:44:39 -0500
Subject: Re: SG-Ortillary

Eric Foley wrote:

> I agree that ortillery seems way underpowered.  I mean, judging from
> scale used in FT, a plasma bolt could potentially cover most of the
> area of a continent if someone wanted to be indiscriminate enough to
use it
> on an inhabited world.  Missiles are supposed to be nuclear-scale
> Ships actually _survive_ getting hit by these things.  Yet these
weapons are
> considered worse for planetary bombardment than ortillery is... which
> me to wonder just what sort of specialized horror ortillery really
ought to
> be portrayed as, when ships capable of surviving medium-scale nuclear
> exchanges would prefer to use this rather than their normal weapons. 
> mean, it would start to seem evident that having an ortillery
satellite in
> stationary orbit would be a huge advantage in a ground war, based on
> scale involved.

It is not that ortillery is underpowered, it is merely appropriately
If you are bothering to fight for a planet, the last thing you want is
destroy the real estate.  It is not that PB's and SM's are inneffective
blowing things up, it is that they are useless for supporting ground

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