Re: [SG] EW
From: Derk Groeneveld <derk@c...>
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 22:17:51 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Re: [SG] EW
On Tue, 1 Jan 2002, John Atkinson wrote:
> Has it occoured to anyone else that a recon/cavalry
> platoon ought to have an EW Tech per squad? I mean,
> they operate dispersed quite frequently. EW remote
> spotting would be a lifesaver, and jamming enemy commo
> and sensors would be the best way to ensure that a
> compromised scout team lives to get back to report.
Which is why my Ghurka's have an integral EW operator in the platoon.
They normally operate with ALL electronics switched off. But when the
shit does start hitting the fan, they need all the EW they can get.