Re: SG-Ortillary
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 10:20:12 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: SG-Ortillary
--- Jon Davis <> wrote:
> I think you want the formula for kinetic energy.
> e = 1/2 m v^2
Oh, darn. So instead of a 11mT energy release we have
a 5.5 mT energy release.
You've still sunk Okinawa to take out a bunker on the
beach. The equivelant in Dirtside terms would be to
place a grenade on your gaming table and pull the pin.
Any mini which survives, survives the impact.
> Even so, a K-gun round fired at a planet will make
> a big hole in something, or a lot of things. For
> killing vehicles and infantry, a K-1 gun would be
> sufficient.
How much mass is a K-gun throwing around? I mean,
there's a world of difference between 100g and 100kg
when it comes to this sort of thing. Well, not that
much since the energy mostly comes from velocity, but
if we're trying to quantify it in game terms it would
be nice to know.
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