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Re: BioWar in the Tiffleyverse

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@a...>
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 21:56:30 +1100
Subject: Re: BioWar in the Tiffleyverse

From: "Bif Smith" <>

> > Or let our germs kill um.......I know it;s been
> > ( ie "War Of The Worlds") done but I like it.
> >
> That is one problem I have with the war of the worlds. We have our
> that have evolved to inhabit our eco-systems, the KV will have theirs,
> to say ours will have ANY effect on them?

The OUSIRO (Oceanic Union Scientific and Industrial Research
Though not as much of an effect as they'd like.

You see the KraVak "Kanga" class raider isn't the only vessel engaged
in Alien Abduction. The OU has had a keen interest in obtaining samples
of KV, alive by preference. 2 "Freemantle"s each with a raider pod are
a close equivalent of a single KV Kanga. Why do you think it has the

I had to invent a Deus Ex Machina "Universal Vaccine" to explain why the
Indonesians felt safe to attack southwards towards the OU, specifically
to prevent the no-fun-at-all spectre of bacteriological warfare in the
Tuffleyverse. Not that my invention is canon, and the "Universal
is actually a protocol involving (biological) nanomachines that
with each other so an epidemic is squashed after a few victims.
to the Hoyle (Fred Hoyle again, he gets around)-Wickramasingh Hypothesis
about virusses, our immune systems work this way already, with
being broadcast to others giving info to stimulate other people's immune
systems. The H-W H's main feature is a compelling argument that there's
more biologically useful environments off planets than on them - and
complex chemicals and virusses may originate inside comets.

Anyway I digress.

The short answer is "because they've been genetically engineered that
As I'm sure the KV homicidal bugs have too. Why do you think they are
biological specimens of Humanity? Fortunately for Humanity, the
Universal Vaccine works against such things just as well. The question
is, do the KV have the same thing? Are they a warlike race that is
to have developed such weaponry and the defence against it?
I think we can safely assume the affirmative on that one.

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