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RE: back to the flock, FT questions

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 11:05:42 +1100
Subject: RE: back to the flock, FT questions


> >What's the current adjustment to Sa'vasku ships' NPV or
> >their systems?
> Check the list archive at the extremely useful
> - list consensus seems to be
> that the stinger range bands should come down to 8", but 
> there is little agreement on other remedies (or whether they're

Actually I'd say taking energy for pod launches from the repair (R) pool
spicules from the defence (D) pool are required more than dropping
to 9" range bands (which is worth trying out too). Then again maybe
an example of the "little agreement" Roger mentioned ;)

Checking out the discussions in the archives should fill you in though
(and welcome back!)


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