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Re: FMA Brigade

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 22:32:26 -0600
Subject: Re: FMA Brigade

> I don't think I explained myself clearly.  If my company starts fully
> supplied and attacks (or defends, which uses up more ammo), how long
> will it expect to wait until the next round of supply?  If the supply
> shipment is delayed, how long will it take until that delay has an
> effect on the unit's capabilities?  I'm not military myself so I need
> some input from people who've been there.
First Log-pack push from BN with in two hours, followed up by general
re-supply to BN S-4 at same time from Div. S&T BN (this is for food and
repair parts ect). Ammo is a separate issue normally done by BN ammo PLT

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