Re: ECM MT Missiles
From: Jaime Tiampo <fugu@s...>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 00:21:15 -0800
Subject: Re: ECM MT Missiles
Kevin Walker wrote:
> On Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 07:05 PM, Jaime Tiampo wrote:
> > I just noticed this while working on some more calcs that you have
> > base line at 50% ECM where my calculations were at 25%. I did some
> > numbers at 50% with the same calcs as the ones I posed and the ECMs
> > loose efficiency at that point. It's better to use them at 25% of
> > shot and not 50%.
> Forgive me for my statistics training was years ago. Why should the
> calculations base line at 25% instead of 50%. Each PDS has a 50/50
> chance of killing it's target.
No no. I didn't make that clear, sorry.
PDS should be 50% effective for 1 PDS and 75% for 2 PDS.
The number of ECM missiles in a salvo should be 25% and not 50% of total
missiles fired. If you use more then 25% ECM you hit the point of
diminishing returns where increasing the number of ECM misssiles
decreases the number of actual missiles that hit the target. For my
calculations I used a base of 20 missiles (to make numbers easier) and
did my calculations where 5 missiles (25% of the salvo) were ECM and 15
were regular missiles. This makes 15 warheads and 15 ECM dummies.