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Re: Nomenclature (NSL, FSE, ESU)

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 09:12:14 +0100
Subject: Re: Nomenclature (NSL, FSE, ESU)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Barclay" <>
> 1) FSE might translate in french as EFE (Etats
> Federal Europa). I imagine a similar
> abbreviation might apply in Spanish or Italian?

The French would be "Etats FederaUX Europe", or, more likely "Etats
de'l Europe"
Spanish is "Estados Federados de Europa"

> 2) What is New Swabian League in German?
> Would it be very different in Austrian or other
> NSL languages?

The canon NSL is named after the medieval Swabian League (Schwäbischer
Bund). So the name would be "Neuer Schwäbischer Bund".
However, this feels like a very odd name to me. The league is pretty
and unlikely to provide an inspiration for a future state. My own
explanation is that the treaty was concluded on the colony of Neu
In that case, the name would be the "Neu Schwaben Bund"

> 3) What does the NSL call their Army? It would
> not (I expect) still be the Bundeswehr since it
> would include forces of other nations.

Bundeswehr (Literally "Federal Defence") could be the League armed
(including the space fleet and others). In modern Germany, the
includes all arms. The Navy is the Bundesmarine, the air force is
Bundesluftwaffe, the army is the "Heer" - no "Bundes", for whatever

> Landswehr?

"Landwehr" is traditionally the name of militia / reserve forces. Also
"Land" means, as in English land, the Earth. Unlikely to apply to a
space-faring force.

> Are the NSL likely to have a	separate Marine arm (equivalent of the
> Marines or USMC)?

Possible. They are not a strong part of the German military tradition,
Austria had "Marineinfanterie" since at least the early 19th century.
Prussia (since 1850) and later the empire had a "Marinirkorps" of
"Seesoldaten", organized into "Seebataillone" "Seekompanien" and a
"Seeartillerieabteilung". NSL equivalents might be "Raumsoldaten" etc.

> 7) Vehicle Types:
> Tank:
German: Panzer or Panzerkampfwagen
Spanish: Carro de combate

German: Schützenpanzer(wagen)
Spanish/Italian: Carro de Infanteria

Karl Heinz

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