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RE: [OT] Voting schemes

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 10:32:36 +1100
Subject: RE: [OT] Voting schemes


> One Currency, the UN "Worldo" (copycat credit to the pathetic 
> Euro name)which is pegged to the price of Chocolate.

Now that's my kinda currency!!

By the way we had a visiting European scientist tell us that they'd
originally thought of calling the Euro the European Monetary Unit, but
someone pointed out that an emu was a flightless Aussie bird, so they
swapped to Euro (the guy may have been having us on, but that's what he
said)... little did they obviously realise that there is a small Aussie
marsupial rodent that goes by the name uro, so now every time they talk
about European currency I immediately think small and fuzzy ;)


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