Re: [FT]Random Musings
From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 19:42:49 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT]Random Musings
Roger Burton-West wrote:
> >This is reasonable IN THE "CANON" GZGVERSE ONLY.
>Granted, but so are the tech rating rules. If I wanted to fight
>Legion battles, I'd be seriously considering re-calculating the points
>values anyway, from the point of view of tactical doctrine as well as
>pure mechanical effectiveness.
>I don't think it would be sensible even to try for a system which would
>both let me fight Renegade Legion battles _and_ bring those ships into
>the GZGVerse to fight the NAC.
I don't think the points values really need tweaking (at least I haven't
found any serious imbalances in my RL battles over the past year), but
do need a limit on how many K-guns a ship can carry - ie., one <g>
However, considering the difference in scales - RL ships are even bigger
than HH ones - the NAC superdreadnoughts *might* qualify as light RL
vessels; the smallest RL destroyers are more than 20 times larger...
>Given that a fighter group that's taken five losses can still be an
>effective screen, would it be reasonable to say that a group can be
>broken into "screening elements" (between 1 and 6 individual fighters)
>which must be engaged normally? A screen comprising smaller groups
>die faster but could hold off an attack while doing so.
I'd prefer to re-write the screening mechanism from scratch :-/
> >Keep in mind that the FT2 ADAF was pretty big - 3 Mass for a single
> >anti-fighter shot per turn. In FB terms this is equivalent to giving
> >ADFC the ability to direct ONE PDS in long-range mode - which is
> >quite different from Alan's giving a single ADFC the ability to
direct ANY
> >number of PDSs against ALL unengaged fighter/missile targets within
6". I
> >agree that something like this makes sense, but IMO this proposal
> >ADFC *way* too powerful for its cost.
>Yes, fair enough; I'm certainly inclined to require individual ADFCs
>fighter group (or missile or whatever) target in exactly the same way
>that one requires normal FCs per ship target.
This sounds a lot more reasonable, yes :-)
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."