Re: Ship Designs for Review
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 04:33:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Ship Designs for Review
--- "Z. Lakel" <> wrote:
> I was wondering if any of you could critique these
> ship designs that I have come up for my
> to-be-written minor power. I know they're not
> strictly canon and that they tend to be a bit big
> for their stated class, but i couldn't get a descent
> ship w/ a cloaking device any other way. All are
> FTL capable. All weapons are default # of arcs
> unless noted.
Real light on the PDSs. Maybe the cloak makes up for
that (I havn't played with cloaks enough to decide)
but against a carrier group or a missle-heavy task
force, you could be in trouble.
Also, on the escort cruiser I'd suggest having two
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