Re: Why we fight (there was an old B&W movie by that name IIRC)
From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 18:14:05 -0500
Subject: Re: Why we fight (there was an old B&W movie by that name IIRC) wrote:
> I think it was in Sioux City that an aircraft actually made
> >it to the ground, with no hydraulics and only the having the throttle
> >control the aircraft, two thirds of the passengers and crew survived
> >breakup of the aircraft, as it cart-wheeled off the runway. This has
> >never been duplicated in the simulator.
> >
> Actually, NASA took a big interest in that particular situation. The
> managed to use differential engine thrust to get himself and the plane
> the way to an airport, steer to the runway, land almost properly, but
> of the wings dipped and his control wasn't fine enough to get it up
> before the wingtip hit and the plane rolled. As you said, he saved
> than half the passengers and his flight crew, by *inventing a method
> flying that was never taught, discussed, or anything* because he had
to do
> *something*.
> This guy had great big brass ones... He *really* deserved a medal.
> Just the thought of that pilot's presence of mind is boggling...
It helped that one of the passengers was the instructor pilot who had
the airline's pilot manual for the type. He concentrated on the
while the pilots told him what they wanted the plane to do (along with
what the
plane was doing). It was a coordinated effort.
The irony is that all three were absolutely despondant that not everyone
out of the plane. The rescue crews required a bit of time to figure out
the gawkers had beaten them to the crash, as they were surprised that