Re: Questions regarding NAC ground units, was SG IF morale
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 10:12:29 -0800
Subject: Re: Questions regarding NAC ground units, was SG IF morale
Tony Francis wrote:
> >
> > That's so amusing, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me copy you. :-)
>Try it and we will of course sue you for appropriating our ideas and
>likeness of our ideas (so don't go off building a 'McBilderbecks'
>we'll sue your a$$ off for that as well) :-))))
Bring it. I'll just spill your coffee on my lap and countersue.
>I'll try to dig out the model in question if possible and take some
>pictures (if I ever get my home PC working again ...). IIRC the model
>was 20mm scale and made from the assorted bits of building that come
>with Matchbox 1/76th plastic vehicle kits, plus the ubiquitous plastic
>coffee stirrers.
I'm thinking of doing one more in line with sentiments here in the
Northwest, and demolish a Star(bilder)backs - or as I like to call it,
>Diverging slightly, one of the Matchbox kits (the Sdkfz 11 half-track +
>PaK40) contains a ruined building with a Nazi eagle / swastika emblem.
>The swastika can easily be cut off and the wings straightened to make a
>halfway decent imperial eagle which can be used to adorn SF scenery.
>Again, if I can find an example model I'll photograph / post pictures
>(it'll be amongst the stuff that still hasn't been unpacked since I
>moved 12 months ago).
Speaking of such things, I was wondering if smaller 1/32nd scale
can be converted into larger 25mm ones. A local shop has some Scimitars
a Wiesel, as well as some smaller WWII stuff (Including a model of a
converted by the Germans into a PanzerWerfer carrier).
Brian B2
"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."
- S. Freud