Re: More military questions!
From: JRebori682@a...
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 23:05:48 EST
Subject: Re: More military questions!
In a message dated 12/6/01 10:35:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> >4) Do other nations have a distinction between rank and appointment
> >the
> >same way Canadians do? We have Warrant Officers, Master Warrant
> >Officers
> >and Chief Warrant Officers. We also have Regimental and Company
> >Sergeant-Majors, Base Warrant Officers, and a Canadian Forces Chief
> >Warrant Officer (appointments). It seems to me you can call these
> >people
> >by either their actual rank ("Chief Warrant Peplinksi") or by their
> >title ("RSM Peplinksi"). Do other nations have this distinction?
> >
> Well the US Army has enlisted, warrant and commissioned,whereas the
> has enlisted and commissioned only. Again I leave the USMC to
> past and present. And ditto for the Navy and my father's service, the
I can answer to the USN having enlisted (Seamen and Petty Officers),
Warrants, and Commisioned.
John Rebori ETN2 (Discharged)
USN 1976 - 1982
ex-USS Pegasus PHM-1