Re: Why we fight (there was an old B&W movie by that name IIRC)
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 08:25:56 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Why we fight (there was an old B&W movie by that name IIRC)
On 5-Dec-01 at 22:06, John Atkinson ( wrote:
> Maybe it's just because I do more than load and fire
> in a mechanistic sequence, but I do think in the
> simulated firefights I've been in.
Not that I've ever been in even simulated ground combat (Ex-Navy)
but I always thought ground trianing was much like martial arts
training. The training teaches you to react and to not panic,
freeing your brain up to think. Those who "win" at higher
levels are those who think well in addition to reacting well.
Roger Books (Who thinks the difference between an elite unit
and a poor unit is how much of their actions