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RE: [OT] What mailing list is this again?

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 14:53:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: [OT] What mailing list is this again?

--- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:

> jingoism, than a boredom with 
> the idea of a few large superpowers on Eart.	since
> it's fiction anyway, I'm 
> going with a lot of smaller nations.	In fact, my

Since it's fiction anyway?  It's pretty much reality. 
I mean, the trend in recent (50 or so) years has been
largely towards fragmentation of old nations (Checks
and Slovaks, Former Yugoslavia, Former Soviet Union,
Eritrea, et al).  The only unifications I can think of
have been among nations artificially partitioned.

The only movement towards unification has been the EC,
and even that's sketchy.  There doesn't seem to be
much disagreement on the basic principle of free trade
and travel between members, but every bit of unity
beyond that has been met with foot-dragging and
referendums and threats to quit.


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