Re: Bridges
From: Kevin Clement <lord_sepulchrave@y...>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 10:05:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Bridges
--- Roger Books <> wrote:
> On 3-Dec-01 at 18:47, Kieran Rohan (
> wrote:
> No, they can us bridges. There is a nice picture in
> the mini's rules
> of an Ogre crossing a bridge. I'm not just after a
> bridge for Ogre
> though, it just happens to be the right width. I
> need a bridge for
> 40mm Fantasy Rules! stands and, of course, DS and
> SG. I'll take a look
> at the JR minis.
> Roger Books
Hello, delurking...
If you're looking for 40mm wide bridges any bridge
that can be used for 15mm DBM/DBA games should work.
(since FR! uses the same base width) I have such a
bridge for DBM from Hovels I believe. (UK?) I think I
ordered mine from Wargames (WV, USA).
I can doublecheck it with an Ogre tonight. Hum, Ogre
in DS, might be a good way to introduce the local
players to the game, we already have plenty of the new
Ogre minis. (are stats/suggestions already in the
Came across GZG first in the excellent reviews in
Mecha Press by DP9. Started out with Full Thrust first
and now have DS & SG. (not played the other two yet
but am putting together forces for them) Use mainly
Micromachines and fleetscale B5 ships though I'm
getting into the "official" miniatures now.
Also a Piquet Heretic (join us join us). Hated it
until about the third game or so when I learned to
focus on what I wanted to do instead of what card was
currently up.
Anywho, hope this helps. I'll take a look for the
bridge/Ogre when I can. (fighting a nasty cold at the
moment and loving the wonderful Ohio weather O_o )
Kevin Clement
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