Re: Nobility.... or not....
From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 03:07:12 -0500
Subject: Re: Nobility.... or not....
I agree with your comments here (on the background).
To the disagreeers:
Like it or not, whats in the books is official -- No matter how
My liking it or not won't change that. (lets see, pull out my time
Jon goes right out and invites players to "make their own". He even
something about the "official" history only being there to get the game
(And to make/sell many interesting sets of
I agree. FT/ect. makes much better games with some kind of setting.
I do feel that (no matter how flawed) that setting does make a really
good model
for players to make their own. His setting has complexities, good and
bad interactions,
planet and space conflicts, several powers, some large, some small,
peaple doing the idiotic things -- just like in real life. To me, this
gives it a special spin most game settings don't.
When I do my own settings, I hope they can stand up like his does.
FT/ect. are the few games on the market where there isn't any "right
to play the existing powers. When someone at a con somewhere says: "the
NAC/whoever would never do that". You can respond "they do in my
Like Jon said...if you don't like something -- change it!
Thanks Jon!
Donald Hosford
Thomas Barclay wrote:
(cool snippage!)
> Tomb.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Thomas Barclay
> Instructor, CST 6304 (TCP/IP programming for the Internet)
> -----------------------------------------------------------