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Re: Population NAC Military

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 18:44:43 +0100
Subject: Re: Population NAC Military

> G'day again,
> > What is the population of the NAC?
> > Beth has run some numbers...
> My quick back of the envelope stuff suggests something in excess of 10
> billion... but upto 8 billion of those would be on Earth and they'd
> have reasonable growth/transportation rates off Earth. These figs
could do
> with some refinement, but as a first cut they're probably not too bad.

10 Billion ? Isn't the world's population expected to peak around that
number in the later 21st century, according to most projections. If the
alone has that number, what would be the total number of humans on Earth

Karl Heinz

Prev: Re: Wet Navy in the future was Re: Questions regarding NAC ground units, was SG IF morale Next: Re: Beer, getting almost back on topic