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Re: mecha in SG/DS

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 23:00:58 -0500
Subject: Re: mecha in SG/DS

At 9:08 PM -0500 11/26/01, Glenn M Wilson wrote:
>So if you field a BT Mecha (Say, a commando - which I have along with a
>Piranha and some spider looking thing bought strictly on impulse) and I
>field them in DS 2 versus or in support of a more conventional force
>they "oversized"  or 'Bolo' sized vehicles?

I have a few mechs that occasionally get fielded in DSII. I run them 
as Size 5 walkers (some as Size 4 and 3). They work out as apparent 
size 7, 6 and 5 due to being walkers. A Demolisher that I have gets 
run as a size 5 tank.

- Ryan Montieth Gill				      SW1025 H -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
- Hours 11am - 7pm Mon - Fri	    (8Sdc, 10Sdc IT@3Ndc)      -
- Nextel: 404-557-5637 ID 35	  e-mail: -
- Office: 404-588-6191	      Pager:  -
-	      Emergency Power-off != Door release!	       -

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