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Re: NBC Decontam team

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 04:12:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: NBC Decontam team

--- Thomas Barclay <> wrote:
> John Atkinson.... you suggest that St. Jon^3 is 
> sick because he puts out a team of Decontam 
> guys? 


> Have you not seen some of his other lines?

Most of them.  Nuns with guns I can handle, Spice
Marines I can handle, but NBC weenies are wierd. . . 

> And as for being _really_ sick... we'll know he 
> has reached that state when he puts out figures 
> for Engineers! 

Hrk, hrk, hrk.	I'm now awaiting the little robot for
an EOD team...

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