Re: Do you enforce Fleet "composition"
From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 14:24:26 +0000
Subject: Re: Do you enforce Fleet "composition"
One method under pre-FB rules (when the distinction between capitals,
cruisers and escorts was very clear-cut) was that a fleet should have at
least as many cruisers as capital ships, and at at least as many escorts
as cruisers. This is purely in terms of number of ships fielded rather
than tonnage or points value.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Ørlyng []
> Sent: 22 November 2001 13:58
> To: GZG-L Mailinglist (E-post)
> Subject: FT: Do you enforce Fleet "composition"
> Gentlemen,
> Do you enforce "fleet composition", meaning having to field a bunch of
> different ships only.
> We play _only_ with the ships from Fleet Book I & II and the
> "reinforcements" from Star Rangers website
> Tuesday night we played a 3000 vs 3000 pt game NAC/FSE vs Kra'Vak,
> having played NAC before and wanting to try out the pulse torpedoes I
> with my share of the "allied" points.
> 1 CH Vandenburg/T (2 PT)
> 3 BB Vanguard (4 PT)
> Which is slightly less than 1500 pts but it felt right for a heavy
> battleship squadron.
> Some of the non-playing persons that where present mumbled something
> cheese, apparently they feelt that this wasnt "right"...
> Now being relatively new to FT, I have owned the books for years and
> but only recently started playing. I am would like to know your
"style", do
> you consider fieldig only cruisers and battleships "cheesy" shoud I
field a
> bunch of DD's and FF's as well.
> I should mention that the Kra'Vak player fielded a couple of
Battleships and
> Battledreadnoughts of his own. And that the FSE player had a bunch of
> ships.
> YT
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Ørlyng Mob: 450 02 395
> [ikke sensitiv]
Tony Francis
Senior Software Engineer