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[DSII and SGII] Strange environments

From: johncrim@v...
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 22:52:00 -0500
Subject: [DSII and SGII] Strange environments

> > Assuming you're on a world with free standing water
> > ;)
> If you're not, what's there to fight over?  You have
> to have water supplies to have a population, and if
> you have water supplies available and tanks to take it
> with, you don't have a problem.

Mineral resources, ancient alien funkytech, that lunar terrain that the
GM has spent so
much blood, sweat, tears, and styrofoam on?

Y'know.  Stuff.

Actually, this reminds me: wasn't someone here talking about running a
game set on a
(relatively) small asteroid some time back?  I remember discussions of
how the various
weapons and systems would function in vacuum.

Did whoever it was run this game?  How did it go?  And has anyone run
any DSII or SGII
games set in weird environments?  Personally, I'd love to run an
underwater SGII game; the
terrain possibilities alone are enough get me interested.  Plus,
painting some PA in an
"underwater camo" scheme would look pretty darn good.

John Crimmins

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