Re: MT missiles possibilities
From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 20:23:58 +0100
Subject: Re: MT missiles possibilities
Glenn Wilson wrote:
>Okay, when i read MT (looking again to make sure...) I thought there
>several possibilities:
>1) The most obvious to me (based on page 3 - "...MISSILES are small
>unmanned craft int heir own right. A typical space combat missile is,
>effect, a small ship, guided by an on board AI (Artificial
>Intelligence."...") was that they could freely maneuver (once given
>'general directions' as to where their targets currently are) within
>limits of their AI.
At the moment, the official MTM movement rule is still that given in MT.
It'll probably change to something similar to fighters eventually.
>However I do not see the "closest" on page 3 that we have, to my
>experience, used as a guideline... Page 3 says "...any ship..." and
>might imply selectiveness. Hmmm... Why not largest? Or fastest?
MTMs can target any (one) ship within 6mu. SMs must target the closest
enemy ship within 6mu.
>2) The suggested FCS lock-on required during flight sand attack.
There is no FCS lock-on required during the MTM's flight. You need one
intact FCS aboard the ship to launch any number of MTMs in a single
but that's all.
>3) The FCS is used on turn 1 for launch and general targeting but is
>needed on turns 2 and 3 as the AI,using Inertial, stellar, passive
>active systems attempts wending it's way to the targets available.
>Fleet Book 1 is not clear in how the changes for SM's relate to MT
>Missiles so I have looked but don't see what effect, if any, FB1 has on
>MT Missiles.
FB1 rules which specifically say "salvo missiles" only apply to SMs.
FB1 rules which say "missiles" and not "salvo missiles" (basically every
rule concerning the shooting down of missiles) apply to all types of
missiles, ie. both MTMs and SMs.
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."