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Re: [OT] Storing Minis

From: bbrush@u...
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 17:27:35 -0600
Subject: Re: [OT] Storing Minis

I got a Sabol Army Transport for Father's day and I really like it. 
than most gun cases that I've used, and holds a load of stuff.	Mine is
currently holding about 210 Clan War minis (28mm on 1" bases) and it's
full.  For true 25's (SG) or microarmor you could hold probably double
I can for Clan War.   The only complaint I have about them is that they
soft-sided and therefore have little impact protection.  A little sheet
metal work could fix that though.

IIRC my wife got mine at


*************Reply Separator*****************

		    <>	    To:    
		    Sent by:			    cc: 		
		    owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Be	    Subject:	 [OT]
Storing Minis					   
		    11/09/01 06:45 PM					
		    Please respond to gzg-l				 

I am starting to get a fair collection of painted lead, 151mm, 6mm,
and FT ships.  I'm looking for ways to organize and store them (so I
have room for...more lead).  My thought at the moment is to put them
in videotape boxes with some kind of padding, but I'm curious what
other listers do?

Prev: Re: FT FCs: was: Should be obvious..... But I missed it... Next: 15 mm figures[Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Digest Number 254