RE: [OT] Storing Minis
From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 12:33:22 +1100
Subject: RE: [OT] Storing Minis
>My thought at the moment is to put them
>in videotape boxes with some kind of padding,
OK that's a new one! The options we've seen/used include:
Tackle boxes
Tool boxes
Egg boxes (not the cartons, but big flat boxes)
Baby wipe containers (think plastic tissue boxes)
Sewing boxes
Vanity cases - though that could take a bit of explaining in some spots
We don't usually use sheet foam to pack but either mount on magnetic
or use the kind of foam beans/nuts you get in bean bags (or free from
bookshops who have excess as its comes around their book orders).
All these options work well.