RE: CNP and TTN (Was Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was
From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 07:09:26 -0500
Subject: RE: CNP and TTN (Was Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was
> Given. However, my main concern is with justifying any considerable
> capability. It seems unnecessary with only 1 planet.
> Brian
Well, You have to trade with starfaring nations, and you're (esp the
CNP) not going to want to leave it all to non-native corpies. Then you
have to defend your trade routes. Some nations export mercenaries as
well as goods, requiring FTL capable ships and space combat
capabilities. There are a host of reasons for having FTL - and military
FTL at that - with a one-planet power. TTN military ships, as an
example, are about half-60% sublight, the rest FTL capable. I have quite
a small fleet for it, as it's truly a minor power, but they do have one
capital ship, FTL capable.
Noam R. Izenberg