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Re: [LST] AY Indi and others

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@a...>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 19:22:00 +1100
Subject: Re: [LST] AY Indi and others

From: "Brian Bilderback" <>

> I went to the Unofficial GZG Encyclopedia Galactica page, and I found
> unclaimed stars in just the righ position for a couple of them to hold
> CNP.	But I had difficulty making sure they weren't M-class.	Could
> give me a hand with this?

Try entering the data in

> They are:
> AY Indi
M2 variable. Emission lines indicate lots of yummy heavy elements, and a
nebula around
the star. OU or Alarishi or both presence likely, if a NAC megacorp
already snapped
it up.

> Wolf 1495
M2 variable Likely to be claimed by the OU, and visited maybe once a
rights are quite cheap, basically the cost of the re-supply visits.
yourself, and it's maybe 1 Cr per year.

> AC 12’2306-155
Not found, sorry

> Ross 845
M5.5 variable, again with Heavy Elements. OU presence certain if there's
no-one else.

> Ross 848
> CD 55’9073
> CD 60’7821 L
> CP 40’7021 LTT

Not found, sorry.

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