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Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers))

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 21:33:34 EST
Subject: Re: OK OK I Give! (Was Powers))

(Warning - role playing on:) "So, after [509 years (plus the GZG story
line) additional years]  of oppression, we are to get a true homeland
be allowed only non-FTL "Home Defense" ships?  No Department of Defense
ever won a war.  The NPC needs FTL ships to preemptively strike threats
before they threaten our 'defenseless ones' in our homes!'  

Statement attributed to one NPC negotiator during the planning of the

BTW, I am in a training class tomorrow (was today) and have a function
church tonight but I will try and get the history of the NPC on the list
this week.  Two points:

1)Initially these were nations sketched out for a Starguard campaign -
hence there is some cleaning up of time line anomalies and other points.

2)I am very much DS2 oriented.	I expect the FT groups I will run in one
off games will be non-Canon GZG Aliens (Nektons, Whistlers, Mertuns, and
Klackons) and NSL or ESU Canon space forces.  Hence the FT/DS2 interface
will be a while.

This is my Science Fiction Alter Ego E-mail address.
Historical -
Fantasy and 6mm -

On Tue, 06 Nov 2001 15:15:30 -0800 "Brian Bilderback"
<> writes:
>Given.  However, my main concern is with justifying any considerable 
>capability.  It seems unnecessary with only 1 planet.
>"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which 
>psychoanalysis is 
>of no use."
>				  - S. Freud
>>Subject: RE: CNP and TTN (Was Hmmm.... Was Re: OK OK I Give! (Was 
>>Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 10:10:39 +1100
>> >I'd like to have at least a couple of worlds,
>> >for playability (gives me more places to stage
>> >battles and therefore games).  The way the NAC helped
>>them get started makes it a bit more plausible.
>> >It would also cut down on inter-tribal tension,
>> >since they'd be able to place tribes with
>> >EXTREMELY volatile histories on different worlds.
>>While these are all sound reasons don't forget we're talking planets 
>>There's an AWFUL lot of room even on small ones and I'd say an awful 
>lot of
>>habitats despite Hollywoods obcession with "its all desert/water/lush
>>jungle" visions. As far as anyone can tell, anything with a working 
>>that will support human habitation is going to end up with many 
>>environments. So even one planet will provide many locations for a 
>>and a lot of settlement space - look how many habitats and different
>>cultures there are on this planet ;)
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