RE: [DS, SG,FT] Fog-of-War
From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 12:54:31 +1100
Subject: RE: [DS, SG,FT] Fog-of-War
> Actually, I'd buy the GZG interpretation of things for
I still think there's a place for it, especially in some scenarios with
mixed tech.
> Haaaack, SPIT! I played a Piquet game once.
Its one of the systems you love or hate - especially if you only try it
once. Impetus swings aren't uncommon and some gamers have come up with
to tame them, but for me its half the fun... are they going to get to do
what they want, its not assured, neither's anything else in real life...
that's why it can REALLY introduce FoW... and feelings of helplessness
(especially with my dice!!) ;)
> The Rennaissance version thereof.
Band of Brothers?? Well if it makes you feel any better it is getting a
rewrite for a new edition ;)
There are also some attempts by members of this list (there's actually
a few GZGers on the PK list) and other gamers to mingle GZG (SG/DS/FT)
PK together and they can be a lot of fun. Not hard to grasp either
as DS inspired the way PK handles dice etc.
Each to their own