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Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 19:51:15 -0500
Subject: Re: DS/FT/SG: Tuffleyverse Cannon & Personal Stratrgy/Tactics/Design Philosophies

> OOOH, that gives me an idea for another group of humans (anarchistic
> counter culture types)  for my campaign... Oh yeah, the AE staked
> that angle first, didn't they...

Actually most of the AE population lives in sovs with pretty
conservative laws.  It just happens that the more colorful sovs get
more press.  That's why you hear very little about the Believers
Fellowship (pop: 2 million), and quite a lot about Jack Old Ron (pop:
1), the Radical Lesbian Collective (pop: 0, although they got up to
about 400 before the social fabric frayed too badly), the People's
Democratic Socialist Republic of Marxgrad (pop: 200 or thereabouts),
etc.  The exception is Forward Power, which has pretty conservative
laws but produces antimatter; you mostly hear about them, of course,
when there's an Unfortunate Incident.

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