RE: Painting irridium vehicles
From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 06:38:52 -0500
Subject: RE: Painting irridium vehicles
Back in the days when I worked for an office supply store, I had the
opprotunity to see some irridium (it was used on the end of a fountain
to prevent wear).
As I recall it was a dull silver color similar to platinum.
Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable
YIM: Rlyehable
The Full Thrust Ship Registry:
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Books []
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 15:37
Subject: Painting irridium vehicles
I'm going to paint a set of vehicles Hammer's Slammers style.
One problem, I have never seen a piece of irridium. The online
sites say "bluish white".
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking steel with a blue
ink glaze or maybe silver with blue mixed in, but I'm really
not sure.