GEV Physics and GEVs for engineers
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@f...>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 23:56:06 -0500
Subject: GEV Physics and GEVs for engineers
Odd question for the thinkers:
Assume we have one AFV of mass X.
On wheels, it probably has 8 wheels to
distribute its weight between thus giving a
certain ground pressure. On tracks, it has even
more area to divide its pressure across, giving
a lower ground pressure (assuming drive
systems are roughly comparable, thus allowing
mass X to stay about the same). Now, is this
taken to an even greater extreme with GEV?
I'm a little unaware of the physics of a plenum
chamber. Is pressure concentrated around the
skirts, where air is contained? Is it greatest
under the fans? Is it equally distributed?
My question was this:
Given that a GEV is higher off the ground than a
conventional tank, given that a GEV may have
significantly lower ground pressure, is it
possible that GEVs will have better luck
penetrating minefields?
I assume with mine pressure detectors that you
set AT mines for a certain minimum pressure,
which probably makes them harder to sweep
and less likely to go off on a jeep or false and
go off on their own. If you crank this down, so
you can target a GEV, then don't the mines
become easier to sweep?
Just thinking of scratchbuilding some
engineering vehicles for SG2 and trying to figure
out if GEVs are at all practical for engineering
vehicles. I have GEV-mobile forces, and having
their engineering elements capable of
manouvre at the same speeds seems vital, but
some options (ie the mine plow) seem a little
unlikely. Other options may present themselves
(autonimous robot minesweepers, penetrating
sensors combined with precision mine
detonation systems, tractor/pressor beams (if
you buy AG, why not?), etc).
Thomas Barclay
Instructor, CST 6304 (TCP/IP programming for the Internet)