RE: Painting iridium vehicles
From: Binhan Lin <Lin@R...>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 13:37:15 -0700
Subject: RE: Painting iridium vehicles
Check the following web page - it has a picture of a small sample of
iridium. The description says that iridium is a white metal with yellow
highlights. The bluish cast seen on the sample may simply be the
of light off it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Books []
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 1:37 PM
Subject: Painting irridium vehicles
I'm going to paint a set of vehicles Hammer's Slammers style.
One problem, I have never seen a piece of irridium. The online
sites say "bluish white".
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm thinking steel with a blue
ink glaze or maybe silver with blue mixed in, but I'm really
not sure.