Re: Ogre ( was Depraved..).
From: Edward Lipsett <translation@i...>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 09:14:55 +0900
Subject: Re: Ogre ( was Depraved..).
Actually, I've got the microgames... wrote:
> To expand my earlier post, I'd recommend starting with Ogre Deluxe,
then getting a reinforcement pack or two with new unit types not in the
basic box, then moving to Ogre Miniatures (using the same minis). This
provides an upgrade path from basic mechanics of moving and firing a few
unit types on simplified terrain, expanding the unit types, then use of
more terrain types and templates rather than hexes.
Edward Lipsett
Intercom, Ltd.
Fukuoka, Japan
Tel: +81-92-712-9120