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RE: [DS, maybee SG] Odd questions

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 12:19:33 +1100
Subject: RE: [DS, maybee SG] Odd questions

G'day Glenn,

We actually have a house rule (I think Derek has mentioned this before)
where we let all GMS on a vehicle (whether all light, heavy or a mix)
at once and they can go at separate targets (if the player wants them
The logic being that they're fire and forget so don't need control from
vehicle. In the same vein we also say any firer's systems down chits
for GMS are for that missile only and represent its guidance system
down, or the missile malfunctioning or being decoyed away. Its worked
for us
and hasn't caused any problems.


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