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RE: [DS] Mixed units?

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 12:48:56 +1100
Subject: RE: [DS] Mixed units?


>So, that expressed, what kind of mixed UNITs 
>(having diverse ELEMENTS) might have some tactical 
>advantage over traditional homogeneous formations?  

I don't know about for normal people, but for us Daleks having a unit
up by flame throwers (to torch the scenery and create smoke for cover),
followed by an APSW carrying version, a LAD carrying version, a couple
suicide units (portable mines effectively), an element of standard
(to rattle around saying "exterminate, exterminate) and finally an
engineering Dalek (to patch up pieces as they go down) works wonders for

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