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Re: NI Colors, insignia, etc.

From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 11:03:43 -0500
Subject: Re: NI Colors, insignia, etc.

>I'd thought of using a low visibility black outline Star of David
>device. There would be a small national flag on the rear of each

And then yeah one on the back probably

I thought the Star of David was in the 'negative' on the NI flag anyway
(darn clever to my tastes), so if you drop the specific background on a
rectangle, you are left with six small 'balls' with notches cut out.
their in strong contrast to your camo, they'd be quite innocuous, though
maybe TOO so, if you want them seen at all. ;->=

Come to think of it, given my jibe as to the hidden puppet-string
manipulations by the NI, the national logo may be TOO apropos...

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