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Re: [FT] Found deal on the web

From: Frits Kuijlman <frits@p...>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 17:06:22 +0200
Subject: Re: [FT] Found deal on the web

Jon Davis wrote:
> So instead of filling the orders based on the date and time they're 
> received, they're going into a big pot and filled simultaneously?!?
He didn't exactly tell me that, but I got the impression because he said
there were a lot of similar orders.
> Thanks for the earlier posting.  I'm sorry you didn't get all that 
> you requested.  (I ordered only ESU, by the way.)
I only ordered NSL, so you're not one of the guilty ones:-)

Frits Kuijlman			   F.Kuijlman@{its,cs,twi}

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