[Not-so-OT] Insane figure painters Re: [SG II}And speaking of Zombies
From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 10:48:00 -0500
Subject: [Not-so-OT] Insane figure painters Re: [SG II}And speaking of Zombies
However, think twice before using 6mm female characters--painting their
fingernails is a real pain.
'Get out the electron microscope...'
'Oh, jeeze, what's she painting now?!?!?'
'The cloisonned unit coat of arms on the DSII's captain's stud
Ok, I quit now.
FYI, I used the feminine because some of Beth's work still has me shook.
Though, Bill Brush has some very nice Screaming Eagles patches on his