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From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 20:37:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: FMA DSII+

On 24-Sep-01 at 20:18, Brian Bell ( wrote:
> HI Roger!
> I just recieved your request today. I have sent you an individual
> but I will also post it here.
> As for the dice system...
> To put it mildly the vehicle to vehicle combat in SG2 stinks.
> 1) All weapons have the same range. 

That is due to scale.  If we assume all weapons maximize in
close range (d12) then the ranges in SG fall into line.  This
does not mean they do the same damage at longer ranger, although...

This is something that has bothered me in many of the large scale
games I have played.  A HKP out to the horizon is not going to
lose significant velocity (or is it?).	If it hits it will do
the same damage as it does up close.

That aside, to keep the feel the same I'm lowering damage by
range brackets as normal DS.  Different weapons will drop
die types to fit the current chit system.

> 2) Base Die Roll x Size gives too wide a range of results.

If you mean a lowley  HKP/1 can kill an armour 5 tank on a
lucky shot you are correct.  If you mean the statitics are
bad I'll have to disagree.

> 3) If you use the xDice added method, you have to have at least 5 
>    sets of the dice for each player.

What, 5 of each is a big deal?	You must not play RPGs.  :)

> 4) Either multiplying or adding slows down the game and looses the
>    wonderful aspect of FMA where what you see on the dice is your
>    result. This was the main complaint against chits, that they 
>    slowed down the game (the 2nd was what happened when you lost 
>    chits).

Hmmm, good  point.  How about roll X for armour take the highest?
Roll X for weapon take the Highest?

> 5) The infantry fire against vehicles is too powerful.

I felt the reverse.  I always here a tank commanders worst nightmare
is being surrounded by enemy infantry.	In SG scale you are
surrounded.   In DS scale it should be different and 4" range on
an IAVR accomplishes this.

Anyway, I'm not working on a system that is "better" than yours.
It probably isn't "better" t han the chit draw system.	What
I am working toward is a system that is argueably as good _and_
consistant with SG so the people I know w ho have played SG
can start out feeling comfortable with DS.

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