Re: [SG]Unit Cohesion
From: devans@u...
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 12:09:48 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG]Unit Cohesion
That's a good one! Require a certain "critical mass" in order to check
a counter. It sort of breaks down, though, if a squad is reduced to one
figure. Why can that squad-of-1 check the counter when individuals
couldn't? But, yeah, I'd probably rule the same thing.
Thanks! When a vac-head comments on groppo matters, he's always on shaky
ground. No matter how big 'fleet' pride. ;->=
Why can that squad-of-1 check the counter when individuals couldn't?
yeah, I'd probably rule the same thing.
Except that a hidden unit is observed if within line of sight in the
Unless, of course, it's something that this doesn't happen to, such as
mines and booby traps.
I guess this is open to interpretation. Is a pilot a squad, in which
he is spotted automatically when the squad comes within LOS, or is he a
"special case" requiring a spotting roll?
Starts calling for granularity of info, right? The counters give a sort
spotting already, but you saw that; I think you have to say somebody
to get back in coherency is too busy to stop and look hard for the
pilot. Not entirely satisfying, for sure.
Not that a fleet pilot would ever cower, of course. ..
Back to the first quote above, I suppose any squad sole survivor would
already made major frosty morale, rolls, right? He/she deserves some
'Rambo' considerations...
Well, enough tip-toeing on the above-referenced shaky ground.