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RE: request info on GZG WCC II

From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@v...>
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 10:41:52 -0700
Subject: RE: request info on GZG WCC II

26, 27 and 28 of October.  Comfort Inn in Oakland CA (Near Airport). 
(depends on turn out). GMs Needed? YES. Please let me know what you want
run.  An email is all that is needed to register!

Friday Night:
Aliens	(Mike Brown)

Saturday Morning:
30,000 point Full Thrust (John Fox)

Saturday Afternoon:

Saturday Night:


Michael Brown
7 weeks and Counting

-----Original Message-----
From:	Greg Wong
Sent:	Saturday, September 08, 2001 10:37 PM
Subject:	request info on GZG WCC II

I've been off the list for a while.  Could someone point me to a
website for WCC II?  When is it?  Where is it?	How much will it cost?
Has a schedule been set up?  Do you need GMs?


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