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RE: Ground Zero Games West Coast Convention II: Status Report

From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@v...>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 06:58:34 -0700
Subject: RE: Ground Zero Games West Coast Convention II: Status Report

I spoke to Ted last night, I'm willing to split the cost to see this
 Email your interest and game ideas to me at work ( 
About ten 
participants are needed to make this a GO.

Michael Brown

-----Original Message-----
From:	Ted Arlauskas
Sent:	Tuesday, September 04, 2001 11:04 PM
To:	GZG Mailing List
Subject:	Ground Zero Games West Coast Convention II: Status

I will not be running the second Ground Zero Games West
Coast Convention this year.  That doesn't mean that it
can't happen, it just means that I can't afford the time
to get it together.  The same room in the same hotel is
reserved from Friday, October the 26th thru Sunday, the 28th.

Let me explain.  I have been unemployed since the dotcom
I was working for went out of business in March.  I've
been paying my bills by working at a slightly more than
part-time pace at my Army Reserve unit.  Consequently, I
leave for Sarejevo on October the 15th and won't get back
until April.  When I do get back I'm probably going back
into the Active Army.

I want to see the second GZG WCC happen.  I had a terrific
time last year and I don't think I was the only one.  It
was great that we were able to pull a GZG con together for
the West Coast.  The room is already reserved.	All that
needs to happen is for people to show up.  You guys can
make this as informal or as complicated as you feel it
needs to be.  I hope there's another GZG WCC - I just can't
be the guy to make it happen - this year.


[AIM]  TArlauskas

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