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Re: Ogre Minis?

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 16:06:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Ogre Minis?

On 22-Aug-01 at 02:03,
wrote: > 

> OGRE is enjoying something of a renaissance BTW - you may wish to
> not selling, but completing your collection, say with a DeLuxe Ogre

I just picked up a Deluxe Ogre pack.  If you are going to buy it
just do so for the miniatures.	The rules are the hex based ones.

Fortunately my S.O. was declared the winner of the Ogre Macrotures
game and ended up with a set of Mini's rules.  She thought she
won because she was the only woman.  I had to point out that the
GM awarded based on sportsmanship and she switched to the side
that was losing when a couple people had to bail.  Of course she
was rolling all our good dice rolls and took the luck to the
other team.  :)

Tie game.

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