Next: Re: [eBay] Start Trek fleet on eBay

Re: Start For Sa'Vasku "Fix"

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 09:18:20 -0400
Subject: Re: Start For Sa'Vasku "Fix"

 From Kaime:

 > I think the power pool change is fine, but the range band shift will
 > kill the Sa'Vasku in many ways.

This much is certainly true in Vector, IMO, where the alien main drive 
advantage is reduced.

Oerjan pointed out that mass break points for Power generators fall into

difficulty. I'd much rather put a blanket restriction (if we are 
considering real restrictions) of 30% across all the SV. If the slight 
added complexity could be swallowed, I'd make it 25% for masses 16 and 
up and 30% for 15 and below simply to keep all the FB2 ships legal (with

rounding, there are no weird breakpoints, and PSB is easy - scouts 
can/need to have overpowered engines).

I see Oerjan's point about  a screen node requirement looking strange on

non-military ships, but 1) it would be relativly easy to PSB and 
certainly adds alien-ness (in that the practicality is not immediately 
understood by other races) to the SV.

I also have no problem with a longest absolute range for SV stingers (as

is the case of 13-1"/band range bands). I kind of like the idea, in

To deal with the "all the points in one ship" problem, I think all that 
may be needed are a few words in black and white in FB3 or FT3 saying 
that while this is possible to make custom uberships, it is not 
recommended without the agreement of all players as it has proven to be 
unbalancing (for all technologies, but in the extreme for as-written 
SV). (In Other words - "Don't be a munchkin unless you're all willing to

be/play with one")

While Richard Bell has a legitimate concern about FTL flight for 
crippled SV, 40% mass in PG is not the answer. If that is regarded as a 
critical need, consider potential tweak:

In FB2, the Power generators are divided into four even-as-possible 
groups (with the remainders added to the later groups. Allow one power 
point to be moved one level "deeper" in the ship for a cost of 3 points.

No PG could go from 1 to zero, and no "shallower" PG can be larger than 
a deeper one: For example, a Var'Arr'Sha (3/3/3/3), NPV 169, could 
redistribute to  2/2/4/4 at a cost of 12 points ( it could never go 
0/4/4/4, or 3/2/2/5). In order to prevent extremes, don't allow any PG 
to mass _more_ than 10% of a ship (rounding ship mass up to the nearest 
10 to keep that darned scout legal.

That's pretty complex, but it addresses that one problem without 
allowing uberships.

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