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Re: Start For Sa'Vasku "Fix"

From: kaime@m...
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 14:38:58 -0400
Subject: Re: Start For Sa'Vasku "Fix"

-----Original Message-----
From: Noam Izenberg <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, August 18, 2001 1:59 PM
Subject: Start For Sa'Vasku "Fix"

>I'm generating a few cents of input based on some PBeM experience in
>Brian's Sentient Strife game.
>So far:
>The Pool shuffling (Pods from R, Spicuels from D) seems to work.
>9" range bands overcompensate any erstwhile SV advantage in vector. I'm
>beginning to think they're bad all around, but reserve judgement for
>Cinematic. (One solution I like is 13" - 1" per range band (0-12,
>23-33, 33-42, 42-50)

If I have read you message correctly, I agree that the 9" range bands
hit the Sa'Vasku far harder than people think.	Again playing the
with these 9" range bands makes them very difficult to deal with the
beams that can be utilized by other fleets, namely at 12" range.

I think the power pool change is fine, but the range band shift will
the Sa'Vasku in many ways.

>As for custom designs, I think that requiring Screen nodes and Pod
>Launchers to be grown when a construct reaches a certain size
>(biological rules - One node/lancher per X mass) would help prevent
>abuse. Further, not letting Power generator mass exceed 30% of total SV
>mass would  also help (No FB2 SV Violates this rule, if I recall).

Very trues, when the huge custom ships are made with the ability to do
dice or release 20+ fighters, people get a negative image of the
When I played, I used only book fleet Sa'Vasku and there was little
but then a few people heard that they were not balanced 'at all' and
started making the huge super Sa'Vasku ships and that hurt the Sa'Vasku
being played in the area.  The limits you propose are interesting and
if the large ships could be fixed by a system to fix that aspect - that
would balance things out with other minor changes.

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