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Astronomy Questions

From: Rick Rutherford <Rick@e...>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 12:04:47 -0400
Subject: Astronomy Questions

Hi all,

I've been going through the star list I downloaded from Nyrath's web
and there are some odd notations for the spectra of some of the stars on
list. Would some kind soul please explain the following:

k (specifically lowercase, as opposed to "K" stars, which seem to have
higher luminosity), and k-m (also lowercase)?

dK5, dK6, dK8, dM4 -- could these be orange dwarfs and red dwarfs?

DA, DA3, DA4, DA5, DA6, DA9, DAP9, DAV4, DAwk, DXP5, DXP8, DXP9 -- all
these are white dwarfs of some kind (because they all begin with "D"),
what are the distinctions between them? Do some of them refer to
neutron stars, and/or black holes?

Thank you very much!

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