Re: FT Taskforce and Fleet Actions
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 20:03:22 -0400
Subject: Re: FT Taskforce and Fleet Actions
> >That's a LOT of hexes, don't you think?
> Venus .72 AU
> Mercury .4 AU
> Mars 1.5 AU
> Jupiter 5 AU
> Saturn 9.5 AU
So make Saturn the "edge", 20 hex radius.
> > > Any asteroid belts will have a maximum safe speed for transition
> >
> >Well, as long as you don't outrun your radar, you should be safe.
> >wouldn't bother with this.
> Some of the idea is to keep units from ignoring it entirely. Its not
> insubstantial and is actually quite a significant size considering.
Lots and lots and lots of vacuum, not much rock. And if you do find
yourself approaching a rock, it shouldn't take much of a burn to avoid
it. I'd ignore it. Unless the natives put sensors or bases there.
> What? Good that I'm still working the ideas out or good the ideas in
> general... :)