Re: Movies)
From: agoodall@c...
Date: 27 Jul 2001 09:26:22 -0700
Subject: Re: Movies)
On Fri, 27 July 2001, Glenn M Wilson wrote:
> Would predators (assume the KV are predators for now) tend then to
> them *not* stay still so as to flush prey?
I got to thinking, in a thread on the playtest list, about the KV's
physiology. It's possible that their whole "adrenalin rage" thing came
from hiding and then rushing out to quickly kill a prey that walked
past. I call this the "trapdoor spider" mode of hunting.
In this case, they would be really nasty in combat: accustomed to not
moving except when they need to, and then doing that very quickly and
Allan Goodall -